Anubis, a codemetrics tool.

You can read more about anubis on the internal docummentation page page.

Work in progress

Today, Anubis is essentially the script the time machine is a loop can spawn various versions of a code from its gitbase, and perform analysis on it


Anubis I under fast development, and we do not update PiPY very often. For a quick installation in a simplified virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv_anubis
source venv_anubis/bin/activate
python -m pip install 'anubis @ git+'

You can obiously install it from the sources available on

main Usage

For now , there is a minimal CLI, limited to the execution of the time machine of Anubis Type >anubis to see what is available :

Usage: anubis [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Package anubis v0.2.0

  ---------------    Anubis  --------------------

      You are now using the Command line interface of anubis package,     a
      set of tools created at CERFACS (

      This is a python package currently installed in your python

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  anew          Create a default input file in current folder.
  authors-list  Retrieve authors list from joined_commits_monthly.json
  branches      Analyze branch health
  chronology    Code geology
  complexity    Analyse code health
  join-db       Join Anubis database
  timemachine   Build anubis database

If your new to anubis, you can find a quick how to tutorial there

Good practice

Althought anubis timemachine cli command won’t let you start a run if your repository is not clean. It is highly recommended to git clone the repository you want to analyze and have a repository for your work repository to avoid any unwanted behaviour or file deletion during the timemachine process.

Most common troubleshoots

  • Unclean repository

  • .gitignore


This work has been initially supported by the COEC project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 952181 .