Reading databases

The databases written by Anubis will be used in datavizualizations. Soon we will put here a nice example of vizualization. For now here are some useful tricks

Handling dates

The subfolders created by Anubis timemachine are something like anubis_2019-11. Here is the way to load this date using the datetime package:

import datetime
folder_date =  "anubis_2019-11"
def read_folderdate(fdate):
    str_date = folder_date.split("_")[1]
    date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_date, "%Y-%m")
    return date

Anubis also dig in the git repository, making a list of commits during one month. For exemple I got "Mon Jan 22 12:04:15 2018 +0100" Using datetime you can parse it this way:

import datetime
commit_date = "Mon Jan 22 12:04:15 2018 +0100"
def read_commitdate(cdate):
    date = datetime.datetime.strptime(cdate, "%c %z")
    return date